January 22, 2025
Base your women

We’ve got a female problem in this country, folks, and I’m not talking about all that monthly stuff.

tonight’s set has already gotten off to a great start

Women set the tone for the political discourse in this country, and feminists will be happy to hear this has been going on for over a century.

this season of drag race is out of control

For starters, for most of our history, women have had an outsized influence on raising and educating children.

This is a generational transfer of knowledge and values that’s only increasing with the number of single-mother households in this country. 

Second – despite being underrepresented in political office, women by and large vote more than men do.  In fact, voting patterns in this country are such that no Democrat president in the last century would’ve been elected if not for women voters.  

The third is a more subtle reason, but still worth noting – men are taking their political cues from women, not the other way around.  

It was a simple conversation – a group of two women and one straight guy hiking together. 

The straight guy is definitely, obviously interested in one of the women.  She’s prattling on about our broken high speed rail system, and the guy weakly chimes in with a Vox-style fun fact – “isn’t our high speed rail system the worst of any developed country haha!”

dude she’s not gonna bang you

The white knights, the male feminists, those gremlin-looking liberal guys supporting ridiculously un-based ideas – how much of it is performative and how much of it is believed?

“Hey baby, maybe I call ACAB and we get out of this place”

What this country needs is more based women.

I’m not saying go out and make thousands of babies, because motherhood isn’t a one-way ticket to basedhood.

I’m saying empowering women in an actual way – to break free from the stranglehold of liberal, pack-mentality “you must think this way” politics and embrace a politics of based, feminine strength.

Keeping up with the Kardashians hit different in the late 1890s

Liberals push for ridiculous policies under the guise of caring about women voters, but oppose being tough on crime, the right to self defense, school choice, healthcare choice, immigration enforcement, and other measures which dramatically improve the lives of women.

The right isn’t exactly hitting the mark here either.  Their support of pro-family policies that have been effective elsewhere has been tepid at best, and the most outreach they’ve done to women is “hey women, guess what? vote for this woman!”

trust no bitch

What this country needs is women so based that beta simps abandon their white knight quests and take up lifting instead of liberalism. 

example #1

Forget trying to impress women by becoming one!