January 22, 2025

The genius of our political system is that, unlike other great democracies or not-so-great authoritarian regimes throughout history – you don’t have to pay attention to anything.

You can literally go to school, get a good job, and live a life of comfort outside of politics or the government you live in.

You don’t have to vote. You don’t have to participate. You don’t have to do anything.

this can be all the resistance you face in the course of a day!

This has an obvious upside – never before in history have you needed to devote such little brainspace to the goings on of the world around you.

This also has an obvious downside – it’s an opportunity for the most brazen and craven (worst crimefighting duo this side of Philly) to tweak everyday life imperceptibly in their favor until you reach retirement age and wonder what the hell just happened to the world you once knew.

what the fuck just happened

This is how modern leftism takes root.

Leftism works by infiltrating all aspects of someone’s life – what they wear (signaling slogans, certain brands who support certain causes, fair trade fabrics), who they go to school with (what’s the diversity quota at that campus, are they regressive on LGBTXYZ issues?), speech (parsing every word for maximum effect), daily function (how dare you drive a truck / carry a gun / not wear a mask / breathe).

The only times leftists have to pull back is when they go obviously too far and normies (your average people) realize that reality is conservative.

And then leftists push forward in another area.

Unlike leftism, conservatism is not a dominating ideology.

Half the work of conservatism is explaining how much more narrow you can make the focus (we don’t want to police [large group] we just disagree with [small issue]) until the aperture is closed.

Take the silly Twitter controversy over “What is a woman?” – the DailyWire production not starring Gina Carano (missed opportunity).

now THAT’s a woman

The takeaway:

“LOL see how goofy these people are, they can’t define a woman!”

And Matt Walsh laughs, and the people at home laugh, and DailyWireProMax subscribers laugh.

Meanwhile, people who refuse to biologically define the word “woman” are already teaching your kids, running your school boards, on the boards of corporations you patronize every day, in your police departments and city governments, and have created a generation with even less resistance to stomping fake gender ideology into your offspring.

The time to oppose gender nonsense was 2003.

Too late now.

By 2043 we will look at “transgender” the same way we look at “transvestite” today – wistful, almost quaint.

But despair not:

This is fascinating – people’s surveyed perceptions versus reality.

By people’s perceptions, more than 1 in 5 Americans are transgender.

The real number is closer to 1 in 100.

Reminding people of reality (that the majority of Americans are white, average, and boring – and that’s okay!) is how to win.

it’s okay to be normal!

It’s realism in politics, in an era where we spend so much time on the exceptions and the extreme.

Politicians like to focus on the exceptions – in a hyperrealistic media environment, all you see is exceptions.

The subject of transgenderism is at least 20% of the national conversation, which is why people incorrectly perceive that ~20% of the population is transgender.

Which is why none other than Donald Trump is extremely good at understanding the electorate.

yes, this guy!

He gets them and their aspirations on a fundamental level that no politician of the last 50 years has been able to, recently discussing the term “woke”:

“I don’t like the term ‘woke’ because I hear, ‘Woke, woke, woke.’ It’s just a term they use, half the people can’t even define it, they don’t know what it is.”

The last two American political figures to truly get the American people on even a marginal level were Ross Perot (businessman) and Richard Nixon (grew up poor). They weren’t bred to be politicians, but they had a keen understanding of how people work.

The famous term for Nixon’s era was “the silent majority” – explicitly in reference to Americans who didn’t participate in riotous late-60s protests but implicitly in reference to Americans who just wanted to be left alone and believed in basic respect for their fellow citizens.

“I don’t mind the homosexuality, I understand it.”

hi gay!

Most Americans have a basic level of respect for people who don’t look like them, come from the same background as them, or identify differently than them.

That doesn’t mean you win by getting too aggressive with reality in the political sphere.

the media, corporations, and every public institution hates you!!!

You have to be careful to not induce blackpilling – the concept that the system is totally rigged against the average person, all hope is lost – that’s how good people check out and stop voting in things they can change like school board elections.

As a friend recently said, taking the blackpill is like taking morphine – it’s a numbing drip that nothing matters.

And there’s comfort and sick safety in nothing mattering

Like morphine, blackpilling lulls you into a state where life is endless.

It’s not.

It’s short.

It’s worth spending time making the most of the cards we’re all dealt.

This system was created by men with finite lives and will be fixed by men with finite lives.