January 22, 2025
Kennedy/Malkin 2024

On one side of the ring we have the arch-liberal, Robert Kennedy Jr. Environmental advocate, heir to the Kennedy political dynasty, and, crucially, anti-vaccine crusader.

On the other side of the ring we have right-wing darling Michelle Malkin – consummate internet media guru, syndicated columnist, author, and…vaccine skeptic.

You’d think it takes more than one issue to bring people together, and you’d be wrong.




A combined disdain for a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination scheme has brought together left and right under the banner of “medical freedom”.

the most unexpected transformers yet

It’s easy to dismiss these arguments out of hand, and they often are. Remember when Michele Bachmann was endlessly mocked over talking about the risks of the Gardasil vaccine in the 2012 primary (and later turned out to not actually be wrong)?

Dismissive media and public health authorities have led to a groundswell of grassroots questioning about the efficacy and necessity of vaccines. This is what happens when the media tries to tamp down on issues instead of openly discussing them – they come back even stronger.

And I just briefly saw into the future: a Robert Kennedy Jr / Michelle Malkin ticket under the 2024 NoVax party.

By then it would not surprise me if America has single-issue parties that unite Left and Right.

Neocons beware!