January 22, 2025
Let’s move on from “Let’s Move On”

“Historic!” seems to be the expression of soft power from the media this week, extolling the virtue of Biden’s “historic” appointments, most recently, the nomination of the first LGBTQ cabinet member, Pete Buttigieg, to Secretary of Transportation.

*Ric Grenell, to the white courtesy phone, please*

This was the expected result: various minority groups fighting amongst each other for unqualified billing in the cabinet of an unqualified, ailing man who hasn’t yet qualified to be president.

okay, but what spot did he promise Warren?

Perhaps this is what the Democrats had in mind when Pete, Amy, and other hokey sideshow attractions dropped out in coordinated effort to prop up young, vigorous Joe Biden during the primaries.

Perhaps this is what the Democrats had in mind when Liz Warren stayed in the race just long enough to let the air out of Bernie’s tires, paving the way for somehow-managed-to-injure-himself-walking Joe Biden.


Perhaps this is what the Democrats had in mind during the general election campaign, when Trump before and after suffering COVID drew airplane hangar, stadium-sized crowds, while literally tens of people showed up for “Lightning” Joe Biden.

Trump in Wisconsin before the election, a state he apparently “lost”

Biden in Georgia the week before the election, a state he apparently “won”

And perhaps this is what the Democrats had in mind when multiple states were too close to call, on the verge of entering automatic recounts, when three separate media agencies on a sleepy and hungover Saturday morning called the election for Joe “you ain’t black!” Biden.

Of course, if you were a Democrat, and had spent four years carefully constructing a narrative that there’s no possible way the most popular Republican candidate in recent history won the election, it had to be interference by a country that fell apart 30 years ago, wouldn’t you interfere to make realdamnsure that guy didn’t ride record economic growth, popularity, and increased support to reelection?

The only hope the Democrats have of moving forward in the name of “transition integrity” or whatever painfully focus-grouped abortion (not you, Pete) terminology is with a coalition of “Let’s-Move-On-ers”, those few useful idiot Republicans who rubber stamp Democrat ideas enough to still get invited to the cocktail parties.

states were still counting votes!

“Let’s Move On!” is their limp rallying cry, obfuscating the fact that they never liked Trump to begin with and would never let his supporters within five miles of their Pottery Barn.

“Let’s Move On!” they proclaim, reminding us that unlike those gauche Trumpists they’re arbiters of nuanced opinion and principle, blind of course to the principle of “one person, one vote” and the nuance of an indeterminable election result in multiple states.

“Let’s Move On!” is where Democrats think they have it in the bag – they can shove off tens of millions of Bernie supporters, 75 million Trump voters, and create the world’s worst Transformer, a coalition of the unwilling, to govern a few states they like and a bunch they really would rather avoid.

In the process, they’ve solidified a dual government – a self-perpetuating body that seeks its own survival, and a representative one led by a pissed off real estate developer with every right to hold a grudge.

this the guy you really wanna piss off right now?

The “Let’s Move On!” group speaks unity, but doesn’t seek it. Seeking unity means answering open questions, alleviating fears, removing doubt. Currently there are multiple state legislatures looking down the barrel of voting anomalies, software malfunctions, failed recounts, and attempts at fraud – with enough of a margin to change the result.

Unity doesn’t come in the form of “because I said so” or “shut up and take it”. Mind you, this is the same group that thought Trump making a wisecrack was the most damaging Presidential act of disunity since Lincoln suspended the writ of habeas corpus.

free drink to anyone who drags a journalist to the gallows!

Our country does poorly under separate, parallel narratives: the Revolution, Reconstruction, segregation, “Who Shot J.R?”


Maybe one narrative we can finally move on from is the people urging us “Let’s Move On”.