January 22, 2025

I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, but there’s a new kid on the block in the Republican party.

He’s brassy, he’s sassy, and he knows how to tell the corporate media to shove it.

no, not him

Every election there’s some “new kid on the block” in the Republican party, and this has been going on long before that was even a band.

coming to an indian casino near you

It was Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Pete du Pont, Mitch Daniels, Nikki Haley, many other people who’ve been summarily forgotten, and now the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis.

They come in riding on a white horse of “entitlement reform” and leave stage left: humbled, broke, owing money to vampire consultants and relegated to the CNN replay slot.

“where are they now?” – eddie munster edition

In fact, if it weren’t for two Republican presidents in the last four decades – Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump – Democrats would have swept the presidency in a succession of terms that would’ve made FDR blush.

Conservatives and liberals make the same mistakes in thinking that voters want “I have a plan for that!” raw policy nonsense, binders full of political appointments and theoretical economic models.

Voters by and large have no time for such nonsense.

the last time a governor of florida ran for president

In absence of core policy, charisma by and large wins elections.

It’s an important part of why Reagan won twice, Clinton won twice, Bush won twice, Obama won twice, and Trump had a chance of winning at all.

This is also why DeSantis would lose.

Like Liz Warren, DeSantis is relatively intelligent. You can’t become a Senator or Governor by being completely retarded.

believe in your dreams!

And like Liz Warren, DeSantis can bore voters to death with statistics and nebulous plans that can only be implemented by being elected.

For all the “false promises” talk about Trump that DeSantis is trying to base his campaign upon, you have to believably be able to execute on your plans.

That’s hard when Mickey Mouse is taking you to the woodshed.

But beyond Disney and personality implants is how the public views DeSantis.

He’s been painted as this guy who hates gays, kids, and gay kids.

People could never openly admit they’re voting for him. Moreover, the emotional appeal against him is strong enough that they can’t hide in a booth and vote for him because the impact of his actions isn’t yet significant enough.

At least Trump has a serious and funny side, so people could claim, “lol he’s so bad, not gonna vote for him,” but secretly still support him as a defense against someone the media calls a fascist.

it’s a bop, it’s a banger

If it cost $100k to buy a house in Florida, crime was zero, and it was paradise, then sure, most Americans would have a pleasant association with visiting. However, Florida also carries a stigma of being a shithole, corrupt, and crime-riddled that it just can’t shake off. The “Florida man” archetype is strong.

Rebranding Florida in a post-virus era as a refuge from woke culture is an easy Band-Aid over a bullet hole.

But you can’t use a state as an example of where “woke goes to die” as it’s patrolled by the gay police.

“ooh you’re going to jail for misgendering sis”

I think it’s too late – Ron is running a 2020 campaign in 2024.

People don’t want to talk about Confederate monuments (although it should be Ft. Bragg), COVID response, or anything related to 2020.

people literally just want to afford food and healthcare

Voters absolutely want to forget the entire year of 2020 happened.

Trump falls into the same trap when talking about the election (the time to address electoral fraud was in 2020, not two years after the election), but he benefits from consistently being persecuted, so it’s allowed to be part of that narrative.

Trump needs to focus more on 10 new futuristic cities and the jobs they’ll create. That’s exciting and forward-thinking.

If it’s Biden vs. Ron, Biden will appear as the forward-thinking candidate despite his age, while Ron will seem like he belongs to the past.

Just look at this…

2019 Ron: burly, grinning, formidable

2023 Ron: Ozempic, sickly, nervous

Follow the Oprah rule: don’t pursue drastic weight loss if you have a big head.

one of the reasons i love daily mail is their insistence on picture in picture, like a tiny feinstein elf gracing the oprah weight loss gallery

And follow the other Oprah rule: only Oprah can pick the President.